Italian Latte Art & Coffee in Good Spirits Championship

Italian Latte Art & Coffee

Rancilio Specialty RS1 is the official sponsor of the Italian Latte Art & Coffee in Good Spirits Championship

SCA Italy has announced the winners of the sponsorship tender for the two-year period of 2019-2020.

SCA Italy has announced the winners of the sponsorship tender for the two-year period of 2019-2020.
The committee of SCA Italy has announced that Rancilio Specialty RS1 will be the official machine of the 2019 and 2020 editions of the Italian Latte Art & Coffee in Good Spirits Championship scheduled to take place at SIGEP in Rimini.
The sponsorship of the Italian Latte Art & Coffee in Good Spirits Championship for the next two years confirms Rancilio Group’s commitment to back the activities of SCA Italy, whose work has always been focused on boosting the coffee culture and promoting competitions for baristas. A commitment which translates into offering aspiring champions the possibility to put their talent to the test behind the counter on the Rancilio Speciality RS1, a coffee machine able to combine cutting edge extraction technologies with an innovative steam system.
RS1 provides baristas with full control over steam power. As well as the Purge function, each steam lever offers two different levels of power which, by means of a touchscreen interface, may be set between 5% and 100% of the water pressure in the boiler. Thanks to this system, Latte Art baristas may work on 4 independent and fully customizable settings, which is the ideal solution when competing at high speed using differently sized jugs and all types of milk.
The baristas competing on the stage of SIGEP for the Italian Latte Art & Coffee in Good Spirits Championship may enhance their creativity thanks to the extraction technology of RS1. Full temperature control and the possibility to create different extraction profiles according to the type of coffee selected, will enable finalists to accurately regulate the espresso shots for each recipe and, in this way, to prepare the winning coffee drink gain subsequent access to the World Championship of World of Coffee in Berlin.

To discover the Rancilio Specialty RS1 machine, visit:

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