Rancilio’s Steady Brew technology

Let’s talk about Rancilio’s Steady Brew technology

with Carles Gonzalez


Rancilio Classe 20 SB features Steady Brew, the technology that has drastically improved the hydraulic circuit by surpassing the traditional water circulation system. Let’s explore Rancilio’s latest patent with Carles Gonzalez, Coffee Competence Manager at Rancilio Group.


Rancilio Classe 20 SB offers Steady Brew technology. Could you tell us how this new patent has transformed the hydraulic circuit of Rancilio coffee machines?


Steady Brew (SB) is an evolution of the traditional water circulation system, which was a very simple uncontrolled system strongly affected by workload and heat dispersion, with effects on water temperature and, subsequently, on the cup. 

The Steady Brew Circuit’s heating system is based on water circulation but with a considerable difference. During brewing, water directly reaches also the extraction chamber, where it maintains a constant temperature for every extraction with very high reactive capacity capable of ensuring thermal stability, regardless of the workload. Steady Brew guarantees excellent performance standards. It is the best single boiler coffee machine on the market, both for low intensity production and during peak workloads.


What market demand inspired project Steady Brew?

The market demands reliability, repetitiveness, stability and flexibility, the best extraction of any coffee type, regardless of roasting level, origin or composition of coffee beans. In the espresso, we seek sensory profiles underscoring acidity, sweetness and body. In this scenario, the coffee machine is a valuable tool only if it can adapt to the extraction desired by the barista. Suffice to consider that the perception of coffee’s acidity and body can change from North to South Italy. Steady Brew is a simple solution that can be set up to guarantee excellent performance in terms of stability, precision and reliability. 


What are the main benefits of Steady Brew?

Steady Brew is an easy system to set up. It ensures excellent temperature control, which can be managed independently on any group head, even if it is not a multi-boiler system. It ensures high temperature stability (±2°C with protocol WBC) in the interval 88°C – 98°C. The technician can easily calibrate the extraction temperature with the benefit of setting various coffee temperatures, always maintaining boiler pressure at 1 bar, with excellent results in terms of energy saving and without affecting steam dispensation performance. Steady Brew also ensures maximum repeatability after each extraction, both during peak workloads and low production phases. We tested its reliability with more than 1,700 hours of R&D work, tests, field tests and even in actual working conditions with Rancilio Classe 5 and Classe 7, which are already available on the market with this innovative system.


Will Steady Brew also be transferred to other Rancilio products in the near future?


To date Steady Brew is already available on the market with Rancilio Classe 5 and Classe 7 and soon, besides the new Rancilio Classe 20 SB, it will be installed in all Rancilio single boiler espresso machines.


Explore Rancilio Classe 20 SB

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